Our Story
Traditional Medicine is a Miami-based business that works to bring individuals quality Peruvian Traditional Indigenous Healing. It is a project made possible through a partnership with the Q’ero, their team, Amazonian Kambo Maestro Gardel, and Caara Lovick.
In Peru, Caara assisted healers in facilitating ceremonies, translating between clients and healers, coaching clients before and after ceremonies, giving free Kambo healing sessions to local Peruvians alongside maestro Gardel, and aiding healers in their centers and businesses.
[Caara with Expedition’s Unknown host Josh Gates after his first ceremony in the Amazon, which she helped prepare him for.]
Caara keeps one foot in our world and one foot in the healer's, making her a great bridge between clients and healers.
“Not many English-speaking folks knew Peruvian healing modalities like the healers themselves when I began my journey, so it was tough to grasp what was happening from the outside," Caara says. "Once I had experienced Amazonian Medicine for the first time, I almost immediately packed my bags and left again for Peru. I began volunteering for healers nine years ago, and it's been the best decision I've ever made."
After she spent time in the Amazon of Peru, more questions still needed to be answered. But, luck would have it that she found the next step forward - an opportunity to spend some time with the Q’ero.
“I remember reading about the Q’ero and heard so much about them. It always seemed like a far-fetched dream to me. Something I would have wanted to do but likely never did. That far-fetched dream for me quickly expedited unexpectedly at the beginning of 2020 .”
Caara spent a few months in a healing center where the Q’ero stayed and visited their reservation with them. With a High Andean heritage on her mother’s side, Caara felt at home in many ways.
“It was humbling to see that many of the social customs my mom worked so hard to embed in me came from Andean Culture. It was like returning home to my family roots. I found so much meaning in everything they did. I was a small child in their company, relearning everything again.”
She was initiated into the Q'ero's spiritual tradition and quickly gravitated towards volunteering her time to the Q'ero in addition to Amazonian healers. She provided translation services for the Q'ero and was a healing facilitator between clients and healers.
They began working together on addiction cases with much success (Kambo + High Andean Modalities), and their ongoing working relationship resulted in the formal creation of Traditional Medicine.
“Once I experienced the wisdom of the Q’ero and their healing modalities, I knew the search was over for me. Finally, I found what I was looking for, the missing piece. I knew we could make a positive impact in our communities and move forward together.”