Our Name Traditional Medicine Pays Homage To The Indigenous Healing Modalities Of Peru That We Work With To Assist Others.

Are You Ready To Alleviate The Discomfort Holding You Back From Enjoying Your Best Life? But Can't Seem To Find Any Solutions That Make A Difference?

Whether it's Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Challenges, Health Challenges,  or Overall Life Stagnation.

We Can Help.

Traditional Medicine Is Devoted To Alleviating Uncomfortable Symptoms and Helping You Move to A New Fulfilling Chapter.

We Use Traditional Indigenous Medicines That Achieve The Results You Need And Have Authentic Traditional Indigenous Maestros Work On Every Case, Every Time.

We Specialize In Offering Traditional Indigenous Alternative & Complementary Medicines From South America. 

Are You Ready To Try A New Kind Of Medicine?

Well, not entirely new.

Traditional indigenous alternative and complementary medicines in the Americas have been around for over 1,000 years. Before the practice of biomedicine in the Americas, there were traditional indigenous medicines.

In Peru, traditional indigenous alternative and complementary medicines such as Amazonian and High Andean Q’ero Healing Modalities have provided the boost many needed to break out of destructive cycles like addiction, anxiety, and depression, propelling them into an entirely different chapter in their lives.

What We Do

We connect world-renowned healers with the people who need them.

We offer traditional indigenous alternative and complementary medicine plans, consisting of High Andean Q’ero Healing Modalities (and Amazonian Kambo for our 'Addiction Plan' and 'Health Plan') to achieve deep and powerful healing.

Our Process

Step 1 - Assessment

The Q’ero will conduct a coca reading and  look into the energetics behind your problem. 

Step 2 - Recommended Healing

In your personal coca reading, the Q’ero will determine the type of healing sessions needed to assist you in achieving your goals. You will also receive a personalized plan that includes specific healing session recommendations, coca reading findings and information regarding the customized plan. 

Step 3 - Healing Sessions

You will begin to receive healing sessions recommended by the Q’ero. Energetic healing sessions will be performed remotely from the Q’ero’s Hampi Wasi healing house in Peru while Kambo sessions for 'Addiction Plans' and specific customized 'Health Plans' will be done in-person. 

Step 4 - Final Evaluation

The Q’ero will conduct one final coca reading to determine healing session effectiveness. You will also receive a Healing Plan Summary Report with a record of healing sessions performed and progress charts with your severity of symptoms before and after your plan so you can see how far you’ve come. 

Our Plans

We offer six plans that include healing sessions made to aid you in major challenges. If you don’t know which one you need, don’t worry. With our 'Personal Coca Reading Package', we sort through what’s going on and recommend a plan that’s right for you.

Addiction Plan

Anxiety Plan

Depression Plan

Personal Growth Plan

Health Plan

Relationship Harmony Plan 

Take The Next Step

Step 1

Email Us To Move Forward With Your 'Personal Coca Reading Package'

Step 2 

Schedule A Call With Us To Begin Our Process

Step 3

Receive Your Personalized Plan PDF And Schedule Your Final Phone Call

Our Team

The Q'ero

High Andean Energy Healers & Consultants

The Q’ero provides consultation and energetic work for cases remotely. The Q’ero aims to help others with their healing modalities while providing their community financial opportunities that encourage their traditions to thrive. The Q’ero are an indigenous group that lives in the High Andes Mountains of Peru. As a community of world-renowned healers who have preserved much of their spiritual and cultural traditions before Spanish rule, they have retained a very close relationship with mother earth, taking care of her and working with her in all matters of daily life. They are known as wisdom keepers and have been visited by people such as the 14th Dalai Lama in 2018.  


Amazonian Consultant & Kambo Sourcing

Amazonian Healer Gardel Vazquez prepares the Kambo Medicine for Traditional Medicine with care and compassion. Gardel passionately protects these sacred frogs in his home in the Amazon of Peru and the areas in which they reside. He is a maestro de Kambo and a maestro of Amazonian medicines. 


Healing Facilitator & Kambo Practitioner

Caara, our local Miami Kambo Practitioner, has been initiated in both Amazonian and Andean Traditions. Caara has served as translator, in-house Kambo practitioner, and ceremony facilitator for ayahuasca centers in the Amazon of Peru and similar roles for the Q'ero healing center in the Andes of Peru. While working with Gardel in the Amazon of Peru, she assisted clients in his village and found great success alleviating addictions. Her first case was a young boy addicted to "paste" in the Amazon of Peru, and since then, she's been assisting in alleviating addiction urges from Fentanyl to Marijuana. Caara's passion is building worker-owned/community owned businesses and is a cooperative activist with leadership training and business experience. 

As Featured On

Episode 115 How Traditional Indigenous Healers & Holistic-Minded Health Experts Can Succeed Together: Interview with Caara Lovick

Caara Lovick | Connecting Mental Health and Indigenous Healing | TPOT 282

EP 92 - How the Q'ero of Peru Work with Their Inborn Intuitions with Caara Lovick

"Coca Readings with the Q'ero: Are Caara Lovick's Projects Good for the People?"

In this video, we ask the Q'ero to do a coca reading regarding Caara Lovick and her projects ("Traditional Medicine Podcast with Caara Lovick" and www.traditionalmedicinemiami.com). Mallku asks Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the Sacred Mountains (Apus) whether or not they are happy with her work and whether or not these projects will do good for our people. This video has Quechua, Spanish, and English Translations. For us, it's imperative that every move we make, we make together. Q'ero wisdom keepers check every major decision to ensure we always move in the right direction.

"The Q'ero's Prophecy - The Return of the Female Power," a film by Lars Koehne

 Watch a video made of our Q'ero and local Peruvian partners. The Q’ero, known as the wisdom keepers of the Andes, see much more than just individual health through coca readings. They see a larger picture and read the energies of the universe.